Friday, March 29, 2013

HIMYM Friday

It's been a HIMYM kind of week.  I worked in the school district where I live all week so each day for lunch, I drove the 3 minutes back home and watched a few of my favorite episodes.

In honor of a short week [Happy Good Friday], here are a few random HIMYM funnies I thought I would share with you!

First, this isn't a spoiler, but it is from Monday's episode.  Oh my gosh, it might be one of my favorite HIMYM moments ever!

Have you ever Etsy searched "How I Met Your Mother"?  Yeah, do it.  There are some amazing things, like these!

And this!

And of course, Pinterest!

Oh, and this is my 500th blog post - hooray!  In honor of that, one more video, from the 100th episode of HIMYM!


Anonymous said...

The Cecelia Venn diagram is my favorite thing from HIMYM ever!

Anonymous said...

I don't think I could possibly love this post anymore. I HAD to buy those cufflinks for my fiance! And, I LOVE HIMYM!!!

Heather @ From Here to There said...

AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love this post!! I still need to do my HIMYM post, yikes, I'm so behind haha. I watched the episode the other night, I meant to text you, I'm sorry! But yes, I loved the harmonizing!! :) Have a wonderful Easter!

krystal said...

This is so awesome! I totally blogged about himym today too! great minds think alike! It was on my wedding blog - :-)

Jen said...

Hahah I love this post!!!! :)

Megalin said...

Love that I woke up to a HIMYM post!

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