By now, we all know about the senseless tragedy that took place in Boston yesterday. And, you have probably all seen this image or quote in some way or another over the last 24 hours. All I have to say is that Mr. Rogers was right, there are always people to help. Yesterday, it was the images of race volunteers, police officers, the National Guard, and even bystanders running to help as well as the stories of runners crossing the finish line and continuing to run to Mass General to give blood. I, for one, am thankful for helpers like these in our world, and when ways to help from afar begin to appear, I also vow to help.
I remember watching Mr. Rogers as a child. He and Sesame Street were my favorites. I don't remember a lot about Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, mostly just his calm demeanor and kind voice, but even those thoughts are enough to understand how special he was.
Thank you, Mr. Rogers, for having faith in our world. I know, because of positive thinking like you had, I still have faith as well. If you have time, watch some of this wonderful interview with Mr. Rogers, he was such a happy man. This is an exerpt from that interview:
Listening to that interview I am amazed at how powerful his words are (and have always been) how immediately his voice comforts as well as his words. Thank you, Mr. Rogers I couldn't have said it any better!
Love that quote too! I keep reminding myself that even though there is pure evil in this world... there is also SO much good. I'm thankful for the good and I'm thankful that I can be a part of that good.
I saw this quote for the first time after a friend posted it shortly after the tragedy at Sandy Hook. I was home sick on Monday and I saw everything live. It was awful but I also got to see the helpers/heroes at the marathon also. There will always be people who help us to realize there is more good in this world!
I have always loved this quote!
I agree that this quote is so perfect in times like these.
Listening to that interview I am amazed at how powerful his words are (and have always been) how immediately his voice comforts as well as his words. Thank you, Mr. Rogers I couldn't have said it any better!
THat quote was given to all of us at school after Newton. Too much ugliness lately :(
Love that quote too! I keep reminding myself that even though there is pure evil in this world... there is also SO much good. I'm thankful for the good and I'm thankful that I can be a part of that good.
I always loved Mr. Rogers. And I love that quote. So important to remember at a time like this!
I saw this quote for the first time after a friend posted it shortly after the tragedy at Sandy Hook. I was home sick on Monday and I saw everything live. It was awful but I also got to see the helpers/heroes at the marathon also. There will always be people who help us to realize there is more good in this world!
I love that quote, I think it is really important to remember!
Stopping by from the Wednesday Walkabout!
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