1. folding hairbrush - my hair is so long these days that this is a must
2. day planner - this thing is my lifeline, I forget everything without it
3. blog notebook - from Amanda (thanks, again!!) I'm always jotting ideas down
4. calcium vitamins - I'm getting old
5. car keys
6. friendship bracelet floss - as I've said before, I always need to be doing something
7. sunglasses - always a pair of Color Me Rad sunglasses in my bag
8. Ibuprofen - still getting old
9. Capsaicin - seriously, really old - or maybe just too much Insanity
10. chapstick - and lots of it... I lose them a lot [I especially love that little pink one - that's my present of the week to myself]
11. iPod
12. gum
13. my wallet - in Vera Bradley's Island Blooms
Also, yeah sorry, dropped the ball yesterday on that 5 for Five thing. I've been eating really well, drinking tons of water, and exercising when I can. My body has been feeling achy lately, but I have been playing lots of golf. I did buy myself something this week [as you saw above].
I feel like I am probably the last person under the sun to get EOS lip balm. Seriously, this stuff is so addicting, probably because it's ridiculously fun to use! I got the strawberry sorbet flavor, and I use it so often. If you haven't gotten one yet, please do! They are about $4 and worth every penny!

haha , I love the "I'm old" explanations for everything.
Glad you're enjoying your notebook!
A blog notebook?! That is such a awesome idea :D Great post!
I live EOS Chapstick but I still usually buy the Burt's bees if they're sitting next to each other.
Haha you are not old!!! I do love that EOS Chapstick, it's awesome.
I love EOS lip balm! I have the sweet mint one in my purse right now :) Target always has them at the check out and they get me every time lol.
I got that lipbalm in December and thought I was the last person on earth to own it lol. However, the only lipbalm that doesn't dry out my lips is Carmex. So I use the cheap, yucky tasting stuff because I prefer the results. Meh.
Love your Vera Bradley wallet, so pretty!
I thought it was going to be about your golf bag. Haha.
You're definitely not the last person - I have yet to try the EOS lip balm!
I have the same flavor of lip stuff. I haven't had it that long so you aren't alone!
Maybe I will do a bag post one of these days.
First off - love your purse!!I am afraid to even go through mine! Haha. Love the blog notebook idea. Hope you have a great day!
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