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My Week with the PGA Tour [by the numbers]
I was debating telling you what I did everyday this past week, but that would be a lot, soooo if you're interested check out my work blog. Yes, I do all the social media for my work so we've pulled out all the stops... even with Instagram and Pinterest! Check us out!
Heather inspired this numbers post, and I thought it would be fun to look back and see what I've done since last Monday:
56 hours worked
70 golf balls hit on the pros' range for the Women's Clinic
2 new golf carts for summer work fun
7 new PGA Tour Rules Officials friends who shared our office space
15 hours of watching golf on top of work
54 holes of golf walked
3 autographs for my kiddos [and me]
6 Ben and Jerry's desserts consumed
7 beers drank on Saturday as a reward for finishing work
1 amazing week
358 days until next year
Design Poppiness Designs

You got him to sign it! Did he ask about it at all? Looks like a fun week at work!
You have such an awesome job!
What an awesome job you have!!!
How cool! You were a busy girl. I'm glad you were able to sneak in 6 ice cream bars AND 7 beers! LOL :)
Adventures of a Semper Fi Family
This post exhausted me. :) That ice cream sure does look good though!
How fun!!! I watched all the games on TV. If the schedules work out, I will be at Congressional Country Club this weekend, and at The Old White next week....... and I am jealous of the autographs!! :-)
Sounds amazing. My husband is volunteering next week for the PGA tour / Greenbrier Classic and though I'm not volunteering this year, I'll be right along beside him. Can't wait!
Yay! You survived!!! :) I loved your numbers post, it was the perfect way to share how your week was! And omg, yum, I think my favorite part was hearing about the # of ben & jerry's and beers consumed!
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