Today for the North East Bloggers August Challenge, the theme is "Summer Cooking." To me, in the summer, both food and drink are what comprise "summer cooking," so I thought I would share one of each with you:
The Food:
My absolute favorite thing to make in the summer is a Strawberry Pretzel Salad. You can find the recipe here.
Last night, I went to an end-of-summer camp staff party. We had a great barbecue, tons of dessert, and lots of laughs. Of course, I brought the Pretzel Salad and it was a huge hit!
All of the amazing food /// the ladies of summer camp
The Drink:
When I went up to Boston a few weeks ago, my amazing college roommate [who I just found out reads my blog - hey, girl!!] gave me the best souvenir ever from her recent trip to Texas.
A McAlister's Deli reusable cup!!!
When we were in college, our little college golf team [from Massachusetts] played in the Big South Conference. Every year, we traveled to South Carolina to play against all the other schools in the conference [that were all from North and South Carolina - do the geography on that one!], and there was a McAlister's right in front of our hotel. We went there for almost every meal, and I fell in love with Sweet Tea [and The South].
Me and roomie on top and our whole team [with Big South proof in the background] on the bottom
It was delicious! Thanks, roomie!

FireFly is soooo good! I love it.
Yum. I went to a wedding reception last weekend and they had a strawberry pretzel salad like this. It was so yummy!
Loveeee that cup and mcalisters!
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