Anyone remember that episode of Full House? DJ starts junior high, gets teased, and wants to fix it by dressing all grown up with makeup and skimpy clothes. As Danny catches her trying to walk out the door with Kimmy, Stephanie pipes up with the above comment.
Well, Stephanie, even a 25 year old can relate to those words. I've been in South Carolina for a week now and here comes the honesty: it turns out I'm not as strong as I thought I would be. The day after I started work, I was texting Mike about how sad I was for my mom to leave [she drove down with me on Monday and was planning to stay until Friday], so he called her and she arranged to stay a few extra days until today when I leave for Sacramento today. Aren't fiancees the best?
I guess I've never really lived completely on my own. Yes, I went away to college for 4 years, but I always had a roommate. After college, I immediately moved into the frat house and had a revolving door of roommates to keep me laughing. Even after they moved out last summer, Mike and I had each other and our kitties to keep us company.
To be honest, I guess it's not just that, but the fact that I know zero people in this city. Don't get me wrong, I am so excited for this new adventure, this is what I've always wanted, but I guess I'm really still in that holding, waiting period. I'm in a temporary place until our apartment is available August 7 and tons of my stuff is just sitting in boxes because I don't see the point of unpacking just to pack back up in a month. Even if I had my kitten girls I feel like it'd be better; I love talking to them. I'm hoping this mini Sacramento vacation with Mike, his dad, and sister will help relax me and when I come back I can start really living the Charleston life: meeting more people, looking for spots for Mike and I to frequent, and really immersing myself into my work. I promise, this will be my last ranting post for a while. Blogging it out just makes everything feel better.

Charleston sounds like an amazing opportunity. I've never visited (only 4 hours away) but I've heard great things about the city. I hope you find your groove there and no matter where you go those first few days/weeks can be a little tough! You'll get it figured out!
I feel you lady! I am in FL, and I just don't have time with my sked to really make a lot of friends. I work anywhere from 40-80-100 hours a week, and who wants a friend that always has to bail? When I was in Newport, RI, I met a ton of new peeps on meetup, and I still keep in contact with them today!
Moving is such a huge adjustment, especially when you don't know many people in your new location! So glad your mom is able to stay a few extra days- it's always hard to say goodbye, but I bet once you get into your routine the loneliness will subside a little bit!
Change is where you grow, but mad is it a bummer while you're in it! I think you're so brave for making the move, chickie!
I so get it!! That's why I wouldn't leave for college - I didn't want to be that far from my parents... & when we moved last, it was 35 minutes from my parents & I freaked out... they followed us & moved 5 miles away from me now :) I just know its tough to be 'on your own' even as an adult... hang in there...
How you are feeling is totally understandable. Moving is hard even when in the same let alone another state. Finding places to go and a circle of friends will come, hang in there.
Change is such a scary and exciting experience!
Change is scary but eventually you'll be in the hustle and bustle of your new town that you'll forget you were the newbie.
That is one thing that always crosses my mind whenever I think about leaving St. Louis. Because we're certainly not getting any younger and man the kiddos have it easy making friends more than adults do!
I think I would feel the same way if I was in your situation. I'm sure Charleston will become more comfortable for you in no time, but until then, it's nice to have your mom with you and take a little mini vaca for a while :)
Moving is never easy!! I cried the entire first month in college even though I was only an hour and a half away from home. It gets easier but it's never east. Each move I still have a melt down and cry [and this is our 5th one already!]. Totally normal to feel that way but it gets better :D and easier :D and even fun. Hang tight!
It does feel nice to let it out though doesn't it? :)
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