Yaayy, happy Friday! We did it! Tonight I'm hosting a Girls' Night Out Halloween Party for my girls at work and Saturday we're going to a "Mac Off." Here's what we were up to this week...
1. Amanda was here until Tuesday, so Monday night we decided to drink away our sadness [that she was about to leave], and we attempted to find something "Halloweeny" on Netflix. We failed and watched an episode of Babysitters Club and a Halloween Barney special... hence the drinking game.
2. Fall arrived in Charleston like midweek. Coincidentally, it was the day after I bought candy corn and Honeycrisp apples at the store. You're welcome, South Carolina.
3. I got the cutest belated birthday present in the mail from a friend and her daughter Evie even counted out 26 stickers for me.
4. I ordered myself cookies... again.
5. There's something fun on the horizon with Alex and me!

Sounds like you have an awesome weekend planned! :) Have a great one!
Who can ever get enough cookies?
I love the stickers - so cute.
Umm, pretty sure Hocus Pocus is on Instant Netflix.
Have a great weekend!!!
My sister told me that babysitter's club was on Netflix, I know what I'm checking out on my weekend off :)
Sounds like a fun week and a great weekend to cap it all off - enjoy it!
Is that another blog swap I see?? Sign me up :D
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