Well, continuing on from there, we got to the hotel, checked in, got ready, and headed out to the church for the rehearsal. Up until this point, I was cool as ever. I had told the groom's guys to be there 15 minutes earlier than we really needed them there to make sure they were on-time. We even hit traffic but had left with plenty of time so it wasn't an issue. Then, we walked into the church. CHAOS ENSUED. The wedding planner at the chapel was this sweet little old nun. She was great to talk to and made sure we had all of the paperwork done a month before. Then, the day of the rehearsal, it was like she forgot EVERYTHING. So, instead of this calm, cool, and collected bride I had been for months, I turned into bridezilla in 5 seconds flat. She asked over and over again what I wanted: Who is processing in first? Who is escorting mothers/grandmothers? Are the groomsmen walking the bridesmaids down or will they just be at the alter? (Just in case you were wondering, ALL of this was written on the papers that were IN HER HANDS that I had given her a month ahead of time.) Meanwhile, there were 12 members of our bridal party, their significant others, our readers and their significant others, our parents, my aunt and uncle, and a few random family members all sitting in the pews of the church watching me walk back and forth up and down the aisle a million times, making sure people were standing in the right place and everyone knew when to walk in and out. I think the straw that broke the camel's back was about 10 minutes in when she asked Mike if he would be walking down the aisle with his mom and dad. Yeah, she didn't remember that hour long conversation about the last year of our lives, apparently.
Basically, it was my lone wedding mishap. Even in the midst of moving halfway through planning and then doing everything from 1,000 miles away, I had so much fun planning my wedding and honestly loved every minute of it. I really think it's because I had over a year to plan and not stress (hint, hint engaged or soon-to-be engaged ladies). In the end, the wedding turned out great and we got everything arranged perfectly at the rehearsal, but what was the point of me sending everything ahead of time to just need to ask me every single question again??
I promise this is the one wedding rant blog post you will see from me. Luckily, after the rehearsal, Mike's dad and sister had planned a lovely rehearsal dinner buffet at a nearby Irish Pub. I was introduced to the beauty of Chambord and pineapple juice, and I was a happy lady.
This week I am starting to co-host with Kristyn for Wedding Wednesday. Make sure you link up each week and share a story about your past, present, or future wedding!

I absolutely loved my wedding, but when women say they wish they could plan another I think they are just a little nuts! It would take paying me a lot of money (and candy) for me to want to go through the stress of planning another wedding! Too many many offering up too many other suggestions!
Oh yeah I would have become Bridezilla too!
Yeah - if that's the biggest glitch, you did good. But I'm sure the DAY BEFORE your wedding, that had to make you nervous.
wow! I totally get the bridezilla moment. That is not something you should have to be worrying about during your rehearsal! At least you were able to get the bump out of the way though. Happy to be co-hosting with you!
If that was your only mishap, you did good girl! We had quite a few, but the biggest one - and the one you really can't plan for - was the weather. But it all worked out in the end. I couldn't have been happier with how everything ended up.
I also vaguely remember that our coordinator didn't have the right paperwork either, but I could have just dreamed that...I can't remember now. It all worked perfectly though...so that is all the matters. It was SO HOT during our rehearsal. We were all sweating like piggies.
I was on the verge of a Bridezilla meltdown at my rehearsal, too. Luckily, we both made it past to the wedding!
We had a mishap, kinda, with our church wedding planner too. The one we met with, set things up with etc, calls me like a month after our mtg and tells me she realizes she'll be in England on my wedding so I'm actually going to get another one from the church. Well in the end the replacement one was much nicer and in the know than the other one and we had no issues!
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