I love gold! I finally get it. It's taken me a while, but this silver jewelry-wearing girl finally jumped on the gold bandwagon. Growing up, it just wasn't my style, and somehow that resonated through all of college. Well now, call me Yukon Cornelius, my tastes have changed, I just love it all.
And, yes, that was necessary. I decided a couple of weeks before the holidays that I really wanted some gold flats (I don't wear heels). I kept looking online, but only found ones that were not sparkly enough, too expensive, or made for small children. So, I decided to take one of my five pairs of black flats (who needs that many?!) and make my own. How hard could it be, right? Well, the result turned out pretty well, and I highly suggest you start making these tonight and wear them to your New Year's Eve party :)
All you need is a pair of flats (preferably made out of a pourous fabric, not any type of faux leather), Modge Podge, a sponge brush, glitter, and clear spray paint.
1. Paint a thick layer of Modge Podge on the flats and cover with glitter.
2. Once both shoes are done, bang them together to make sure you didn't miss any spots. The Modge Podge will dry clear, so if you need to go back and touch up, it's not problem. And, yes, you will look like that when you're done.
3. After a few hours of letting the shoes dry, put paper towels in them (to keep from spraying the inside) and coat the shoes in a layer of spray paint to lock in the glitter.
4. After letting them dry for about 12 hours, knock them together to get off any remaining loose glitter and show them off!

I absolutely love this!!!! :) They are so cute.
these look great! xo jillian - cornflake dreams
Clever! They are a party all to themselves.
Those look awesome! I've been using modge podge and glitter for lots of wedding projects but never thought about using it on shoes. how fun!
I can't believe you made these! They look amazing!
Those are cute! It amazes me what people can do if they try, instead of spending XX amount of money for it instead.
These would be awesome for a Dorothy Halloween costume in red ;)
Those came out so cute and I love that you left the bow black as an accent piece.
I love the trend going back to yellow gold... its what my wedding ring is :)
Those shoes look fantastic!!!
So cute!!!!
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