I was provided with complimentary coffee from Royal Mile Coffee Roasters to facilitate this review, but all opinions are my own.
Do I have a fantastic company to share with you today! Ever since Mike became obsessed with coffee, we've been in search of one that we could enjoy together (since I tend to be more of a tea person). Well, we definitely found that with Royal Mile Coffee Roasters.
Royal Mile is a small, family-owned business with a big passion for single-origin coffees. They run every aspect of the company and roast each order with individual attention. Seriously, they are all about talkin' coffee: roasting, origins, brewing methods, even other fantastic companies out there, so you should definitely connect with them on social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, or even send them an email!
Jamie and Jessica sent us a bag of Rwanda Kigeyo coffee beans.
Rwandan coffee is just starting to become popular, and our bag was a part of one of the first arrivals of beans. The best brew came when we ground the beans in our burr grinder and made the coffee with an Aeropress. When we tried brewing it in a reusable K-cup, it lost almost all of the unique flavors and tasted like your typical, American, nutty coffee. So, with a good brew, Royal Mile is definitely right when it says that the Rwanda Kigeyo coffee has a nice brightness to it and a lemon tropical flavor to match. Mike agreed and says: "It has more of a fruity taste than a typical American nutty coffee flavor. When I brewed it stronger, it even had a buttery flavor." He drank it black, while I added a teaspoon of sugar (sorry, had to! haha). This is one of the first coffees I really enjoyed because the lemon flavor almost mirrored a strong tea with a background coffee taste. This was our first experience trying international coffee and we'd love to try all of Royal Mile's different beans. If you enjoy experimenting with coffees, you will definitely love Royal Mile!

my husband would love this -- he is a coffee addict :) xo jillian - cornflake dreams
MMM I can smell the coffee just looking at this. Yum!
xo Annie
New England Romance
I love coffee! Great for gifts too.
man, you all take your coffee seriously!!! I'm impressed. Its like wine experts with the flavoring....
i can practically smell this coffee and now I want some so bad!!
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