1 /// Well first of all, work kicked my butt my week: we opened registration for summer programs on Monday, had Lowcountry Giving Day and raised tons of money for our organization on Tuesday (shout-out to my amazing friend Heather for making a donation!!), and I had assessments with my kids looking to certify to the next level of programming each afternoon.
2 /// We had a death in the family this week, our fish Alpha. I know you're rolling your eyes right now, but we've had that betta for a year and a half, and he even survived a 15-hour moving truck ride down from Connecticut to South Carolina last August. He was seriously the coolest (and fattest) fish, and would make this loud noise with his fin by tapping the side the side of the bowl when he was hungry.
3 /// With our sinus infections and all, we haven't been very hungry this week, so on Tuesday night, Mike decided that it was "ice cream for dinner" night, and we went to Ye Olde Fashioned Yeah, I got the cool husband.
4 /// We started up kickball again on Wednesday! Eight or so of our old team stuck around to play again, and Erika and her husband even joined our team, too. We won our first game 7-1, and I'm really excited for this season!
5 /// After kickball on Wednesday, we headed down to Jacksonville to go to The Players golf tournament on Thursday. We had a fantastic day, and got to see all of our favorite players.
Linking up for Five On Friday, That Friday Blog Hop, and Oh Hey, Friday!

I'm sorry to hear you weren't feeling well this week and hopefully it's gone and you can enjoy the weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
Sorry to hear about the death of Alpha. I can't believe he survived a 15 hour trip! Have a wonderful weekend!
Hope you are feeling better, lady! Have a great weekend!! xxoo--Kaitlyn
Even with a sinus infection, it still looks like a great week! Hopefully you're back to 100% soon! But sticking with ice cream for dinner ;)
So sorry about your fish! I had a friend who once balled her eyes out when her fish died. Pets certainly leave a mark on our hearts :) Have a great weekend
Justine @ Charm City Ciemny's
Yay for ice cream for dinner, but booooo to being sick. And sorry about your fish, he sure was a trooper surviving that move! Hope you guys feel great and are ready for your honeymoon, can't wait to see beautiful pics of the Bahamas :-D
The golf tournament looks like a fun time!! Happy Friday :)
We eat ice cream for breakfast sometimes. Being able to make decisions about your food is one of the cool parts of being an adult.
So sorry about your fish. Ice cream for dinner sounds like a great idea!
Sorry about the fishy! My roommate and I had a Beta in college (named Don Diego de la Vega after Anthony Hopkins' character in Zorro). He died quite unexpectedly, and I had an alcohol-inspired meltdown later that day.
Aww, I'm sorry about Alpha :( I'm also sorry I'm so far behind on reading blogs and just now seeing that he died!! Ugh! We will miss you tonight! Can't wait to see more pics from your trip!!
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