Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Wedding Wednesday. Today I'm sharing my second honeymoon recap. A couple weeks back, I wrote all about Sandals Emerald Bay, and today, I'm sharing a fantastic excursion we did on Tuesday during our week in The Bahamas. We received a resort credit when we booked our suite at Sandals, and we used it to go on an Exuma Water Sports Ocean Safari Tour. When I saw the swimming pigs on Sandals's website and the link to their Instagram page (follow them, now - you won't regret it!), I knew this would be a highlight of our trip. They did not disappoint! The morning of our tour, we were picked up by bus with 6 other couples to take the 20 minute drive to the start of the tour, in a cute little fishing town called Barreterre. The tour covered about 25 miles of water and 75 little cays along Great Exuma. Our first stop was the swimming pigs, and we fed the big ones hotdogs (lolz) and swam with them, then went onto the shore to see the babies. They were ADORABLE! After that, we sped along the Exuma keys to stop at different beautiful overlooks and places to swim. My favorite part of the trip might actually have been the Bahamian Rock Iguanas, at our second to last stop of the day. We found them on a private island (it actually belongs to Nicholas Cage!), fed them grapes, and even got to pet them. I seriously wanted to bring one home! Our last stop was snorkeling along some beautiful reefs. We saw so many amazing fish. We used our underwater camera throughout the excursion, but as you can imagine, we didn't get the best photos in the world, since it was a disposable. I'm so glad we had one, though! Below are some of my favorites from the trip. If you are ever in The Bahamas, you need to make the trip to see all of these amazing animals and views!
It's your turn - share your own engagement/ wedding/ honeymoon/ anniversary post with me and Macy below. Please link back to one of our pages so that others can find us and join in the Wedding Wednesday fun!

Oh dear that iguana is all sorts of ugly but the cute little piggies more than make up for that!! Looks like a really fun day of adventure! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
Oh my this looks like so much fun!!! :) Love the photos!
Oh my, swimming pigs!! I give you kudos for playing around with those animals, I'm not so sure I'd be willing, ha!
WOW!!! These pictures take my breath away. The one of you at the top of the cliff is amazing, what a wonderful honeymoon!!
Looks like a blast! The swimming pigs are hilarious!!
Such beautiful pictures! I can't believe there is such a thing as swimming pigs. Those babies are so adorable. It looks like y'all had so much fun.
How gorgeous is that water?! And how adorable are those little piggies?! Looks like an excursion of a lifetime... so much fun!
Your pictures are beautiful! It looks like y'all had so much fun.
My husband and I went to Sandals Emerald Bay for our honeymoon 2 years ago! We absolutely loved it :) Looks like you had a blast! Congrats on your wedding!
This looks absolutely fantastic. LOVE THE PIGGIES SO MUCH. How did you NOT take one back in your beach bag? Really, though. And that water is stunning!
swimming piggies! haha seriously too funny :) xo jillian - cornflake dreams
Oh dear, a beach full of iguanas, YIKES. Not my kind of vacay! Haha but that water is BEAUTIFUL!! :)
OMG swimming piggies, so cute!! Gorgeous pics, love the iguanas too!
What an awesome thing to do! This looks so fun. All of the photos are so fun to look at. :)
Amy @ http://befilledwithj0y.blogspot.com/
Swimming pigs - not something you see every day!
Swimming pigs!! That is seriously too cool! You guys look so happy - perfect honeymoon! I love your Lilly headband too :)
That looks like so much fun! I'm not sure that I would be that adventurous with so many animals, but it looks like a blast! :)
The pics turned out great! I want one of those pigs!!
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