This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #MeandMyTea #CollectiveBias
I moved to South Carolina just over a year ago. It's been a wild ride, and I wouldn't trade this adventure for the world. We are so happy to have chosen Charleston, and this place really is my home. Although I don't call myself a Southerner just yet, a few things have definitely changed in my life since coming down here: I started saying "y'all," I wear a lot more sunscreen, and I've become a sweet tea connoisseur. One of my absolute favorite things to do in Charleston is simply to walk the historical streets and around the waterfront. Mike and I probably go for "just a walk" at least twice a week. When we were living in New England, I feel like we never really went for walks. We always had a purpose and a desired ending point when walking somewhere. Down here, it's different, and the pace is slower. We walk around the streets, I snap a few photos, and we talk, talk, talk. It's so nice to just spend time like this together.
What better way to enjoy a hot summer afternoon, strolling around the streets of Charleston than with a delicious glass of fresh-brewed iced Bigelow Tea? It's an All-American brand made by an American family for the American consumer. You can buy it at your American retailer - Walmart.
Besides their American heritage, another great reason to support Bigelow Tea is that they have sent almost four million bags of tea to our military overseas through their Tea for Troops program. You can read more about that initiative here.
After trying almost every tea variety I can get my hands on, my favorite from Bigelow Tea is definitely the American Breakfast Tea in the Black Tea with Lemon variety. I brew a tea kettle-worth of water and submerge four tea bags for five minutes. I refrigerate the tea, and when we're ready for our walk, all it takes is a few ice cubes and some cold tea, and we're ready to go!
Walking around the historical streets near the Battery with my iced tea isn't the only tea-rrific memory I have in this city (#seewhatIdidthere). Some of you who've been around this blog for a while might remember my love for the Charleston Tea Plantation, which is actually run by the Bigelow family! It's America's largest tea garden and one of my favorite places to bring visitors. Their tours are great, and you can sip on unlimited tea samples! If you are ever in Charleston, I highly suggest a visit to the plantation.
We are definitely loving the Southern lifestyle, and Bigelow Tea has definitely become an integral part of it!
- Are you a hot or iced tea drinker?
- What's your favorite occasion

I love the taste of fresh sweet tea - YUM!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
aw tea-rirific you are so cute ;) !! i love walking around downtown charleston too. it's the best! xo jillian - cornflake dreams
I'm so glad you are enjoying your adventure there! :)
We leave for our Myrtle Beach/Charleston adventure tomorrow!! The tea plantation is on our list of places to visit while we are there! Super excited...and a tad concerned about the heat!! Thanks for sharing!
I love love love iced tea - and if I'm in southern MO or any southern states you'd better believe I get sweet tea. Delicious!!
Glad you're enjoying your southern adventure - I so envy it!! I love your tumbler - it is perfect with the straw AND the handle!
This post just made me thirsty! :)
Love this! I love both hot and iced tea. Whenever I was sick on the ship, there was always tea there. :)
I love sweet tea, and unfortunately you can't get it in Chicago. I need to start making my own. Soon!
I love me some sweet tea. I love the slower pace down there. maybe I can convince my whole family to move. Hmm.
We moved to Charleston around the exact same time as you! We closed on our house in May and officially moved here in July.. you've definitely done a lot more exploring than us though. Now that the baby's born I want to make it a point this year to get out there =)
Living in the South sipping on sweet tea. That sounds pretty spectacular!
Look at my little southern miss sipping that tea! Love it!! Walks (especially when it cools off) at night are the best.
I am originally from NY, but have lived in Florida long enough that sweet tea is THE drink :)
I'm an iced tea drinker and I love it sweetened with a natural sweetener like stevia. I would love to visit that plantation sometime. It seems like a beautiful place to visit. #client
I'm happy to hear y'all are enjoying the southern lifestyle :)
I prefer hot tea most of the time. Strangely, I like cold tea drinks that have alcohol.
I had no idea they donated tea, hoe wonderful! Great post Meg!
I love Bigelow tea! Their chamomile is my favorite :) And so glad you're enjoying the Southern lifestyle, it sounds pretty amazing!
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