Going along with the fun giveaway I am hosting this week (click here to enter!), I thought it would be fun to share some of the items that I'm loving and that I have on my wishlist to keep my own 2016 resolutions on track. My goals all pretty much have to do with improving and feeling better about myself, and you can see my full post of resolutions here.
Clockwise from the top:
Eat healthier: I cannot wait to get this KitchenAid Spiralizer. I've been looking for a spiralizer for a long time, and now that there's an attachment for the KitchenAid, I know this is the one I want. In addition to carbs, one of my biggest weaknesses is snacking. I love me a good mid-afternoon or late night snack. I found Graze subscription box, which is only $12 for 8 healthy snacks. I cannot wait to try it!
Run. Run. Run: I've worn Nike Dual Fusion sneakers for at least 5 years, and I have the Run 2 model in pink and black right now. I love these sneakers: they fit my feet so well and last forever. I'm thinking my next pair will be those gray and lavender Run 3s. Inside those shoes, I'm all about compression socks. I have about 10 pairs of these Smartwool PhD Outdoor Light Socks. If you don't like these heavier socks, they have tons of other lighter models, too. As for clothes, I'm a sports bra junkie. VS Sport has come out with some fantastic styles in the last few months, and I love them all: Lightweight, Angel, and Incredible.
Wear makeup everyday: Somehow I've actually accomplished this so far this year. These three products are always on my face, in addition to the occasional eyeliner or lip gloss: Maybelline Instant Age Rewind, Covergirl Instant Cheekbones, and Maybelline's The Rocket.
Better blog photography: So far, I am loving my Canon - EF 50 mm prime lens. It's been so much fun to play around with, and understanding aperture, shutter speed, and film speed is so much easier without the added variable of zoom. Next, I'm trying to decide between the Canon - EF 35 mm prime lens or the far less expensive Canon - EF-S 24 mm prime lens. For my T1i, these are virtually the same lens because of the 1.6 crop factor of EF-S lenses, but if I ever purchased a full-frame 5D or 6D, the 24 mm would not be compatible. After that, it's about finding an image stabilizing zoom lens to replace mine that came from an old film Canon and was pre-image stabilization.
Listen more: I can't exactly say what physical things are helping me listen better, but Mike and I are doing this whole photography thing together, so we have been working on communication as we learn there!
- How are you doing with your resolutions this year?
- What's helping you stay on track?