I know I'm a little late to this party since we are almost a week into the new year, but we didn't get back from our holiday trip to New England until the 3rd, and vacations don't count for resolutions - sooooo here we are. Last year was probably the first year in my life that I actually tried to keep my resolutions all year and did surprisingly well, so let's see how this year goes!
Eat healthier. I know this sounds like a generic resolution, but hear me out. With our weight loss in 2015, we mostly focused on exercising and cutting back on the snacky bad stuff. We really didn't change our actual dinner diet too much and enjoyed our share of mac and cheese as well as pre-packaged foods. You want to see something crazy I found? Check out this "then and now" from Christmas 2014 and 2015. I know it's a slightly different angle for year to year but still, shit! Right?!
Well, right now I still enjoy my second helping of chicken parmesan (with pasta!) but don't eat 5 cookies or a giant sundae for dessert. Progress, right?! I've eliminated some calories, but now I want to focus on making those calories I do eat as nutritious and possible. My goal is to start small with changes like brown rice instead of white rice and finally buying that spiralizer to cut back on carbs, but after that, we will see how the year goes. Any ideas for healthy foods I should try?
Run. Run. Run. This is a short-term one since my 10k and half marathon Disney race are in just under 2 months, but until then, I actually want to get running and be ready. Afterwards...eh, I might not run for 3 months, but that's really okay with me assuming we'll stay active with tennis, golf, and kickball. Mike is fantastic about motivating me to go to the gym with him and have active date nights, but not so much with running. Even though he's excited to run the 10k with me, it hurts him every step of the way to run because of an old botched foot surgery. We're happy he's found the elliptical as a zero-impact way for him to get cardio in, but all of the running motivation will have to come from only me.
Wear makeup everyday. Well, I'm going to try... I did a test run between Christmas and New Year's, and I was successful there, so wish me luck!
Better blog photography. Mike's dad got me a Best Buy gift card, and we went earlier this week to pick up this amazing 50mm prime lens. Thanks to Rebecca Jo and Allison for all the help with this one!
Listen more. Especially when watching tv, both Mike and I are known for zoning out into our phones. One of us will say something to the other, and it'll take a solid ten seconds to stop reading whatever it is, acknowledge that the other one said something, and try to decipher an appropriate response (based on the bit that we actually heard).

These are great resolutions! I would love to get more into my blog photography...what kind of camera do you have?
Great resolutions! I have yet to make mine! The photo transformation is WOW! Sometimes you don't feel like you have changed until you look at a picture!
I think these are awesome resolutions, especially focusing and listening more. And eating healthier. What a difference in those two photos! Go you guys!!
omg with the listening. i'm that way too haha. i LOVE the first two photos - what progress you both have made! amazing. cheers to an even better 2016!
xoxo cheshire kat
Oh my goodness what a difference in photos, you all look great! That's so awesome that you all have had success in losing weight together. Best of luck with all your goals this year!
Oh my gosh that last one is totally me and Gary too - I need to get better about putting the phone away!! Congratulations on the great weight loss thus far!! You look amazing! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
These goals are so in line with mine! Be more healthy and be a better photographer are at the top of my list!
Great resolutions going into the new year! I'm trying to sort out the same type of eating healthier/balance thing, so I'll definitely be interested in any recipes or things you find along the way that you love!
Wait wait wait are you doing the Disney Glass Slipper challenge?! That's so exciting! It's on my bucket list but probably won't attempt that race/trip for a few more years. Good luck with your goals!
Oh man, listen more is something I definitely need to borrow as a resolution. Your description sounds exactly like me and Freddie, too! Ha.
"but still, shit!" <<<<haha my favorite part of this entire post. You two look AWESOME!
OMG!!! You both look AMAZING! Isn't it crazy how you really don't see the change until you compare photos. I need to get back in the gym, and ditch the packaged food. But seriously, when is there time to grocery shop, meal plan, and cook?!
Holy schnikes, you guys REALLY kicked that weight's butt! I like your resolution to wear make-up everyday, too. I may need to jump in on that one ;)
You go girl!!! I am so proud you both you and Mike!
You look absolutely amazing! The difference in the photos is remarkable. :)
I love the photography resolution! Cheers to 2016!
There is a big difference in those pictures! Y'all look amazing! Good you you two. Some of my favorite places for recipes are The Kitchenista Diaries, Paleo Nom Nom, and Gweynth Paltrow's cookbooks. That lens has been on my wishlist - excited to hear your thoughts on it!
Woohoo for 2016 goals, yours are great! I really want to invest in a DSLR camera and get better, but I'm just so notorious for taking iPhone pictures and editing lol! How awesome about the Disney race, you're gonna do great!!
Look at you two... that's fantastic progress!!!!
I'm still excited for you & the lens. I cant wait to hear you long it took for you to not twist the ring thinking it zooms in or out :) haha
Yay for a fancy new camera! And look at you guys, you both look amazing - congrats!!! And girl you'll have to let us Orlando gals know when you're here for the race at Disney ;-)
Green Fashionista
Um where have I been, I didn't realize you were running at Disney? I now know 3 people doing it - how fun!
You guys look AWESOME! Love your goals, I think many of us can do better in the eating department as well as the phone one. I want to take better pictures too, I need to start learning more about my DSLR
Um where have I been, I didn't realize you were running at Disney? I now know 3 people doing it - how fun!
That's the lens I've been looking at! I hope you love it :)
You guys! That then and now picture is amazing - way to go! I went on a huge diet a couple years ago and it is no easy task - although I still love my seconds too ha! We are similar as trying to just cut back as opposed to healthy eating and try to slowly work on that too. Agree with the listening more!!
I always attempt to wear makeup more often, but I'm just so lazy. It's not even the putting it on in the morning. It's the taking it off at night. And you and your hubby both look great! Congratulations, and good luck on your goals this year. :)
Kayla @ a paper arrow.
great goals!! cheers to 2016 :) xo jillian - cornflake dreams
Wow that's awesome you guys! The transformation from last year to this year is crazy!!
Great goals! I had spaghetti squash and paleo meatballs for lunch today, highly recommend spaghetti squash as a sub for pasta.
Listening more is such a good goal! I know both Michael and I do the zoning out and not hearing/fully listening thing pretty often. We're also going to get back into healthy eating and I'm getting back to the gym! We also lost a lot of weight in 2014-2015 but I've gained some back and I'm just feeling unhappy with myself.
Great weight loss progress in 2015. You both look great!
Eek! Yay for your new lens! And I'm right there with you on eating healthier. Some times it's so hard but it's all about moderation, right? And you look amazing!!!
You guys look awesome! And that's great about making little changes! We need to do the same thing this year!
Love your resolutions. Going similar path.
Maybe except the make up thing. I've tried, I've failed lol ;)
Happy New Year!
Hooray! So glad you went with the prime lens. It's called the "nifty fifty" for a reason! I love it and use it more than any other lens.
And congrats on the weight loss! I'm down quite a bit this year, too, and it wasn't from some big thing, but from a bunch of little changes (and a bunch of working out). I have become a fan of zucchini, and cauliflower crust for pizza!
Way to go on the weight loss. The side by side comparison is pretty awesome! Sounds like you're making lifestyle changes as opposed to temporary "lose weight quick" fixes.
Girl you guys look great! Keep up the good work!
That 50mm I want one sooooo bad! I have been eyeing one up for a while now. I just need to pull the trigger and get it.
Y'all look great! My resolutions are usually massive failures, haha! However, I have that exact lens for my Canon and use is for 90% of my photography ( even non-macro stuff ). I. LOVE. it! I hope you do, too.
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