I'm talking about the crickets and pretty solid radio silence on this here blog and all over my social media channels lately. Y'all, I just haven't had the motivation.
The last time I didn't just throw a few photos together or pre-recorded post up was a full a month ago. I can honestly say that this summer has gotten away from me.
We spent two weeks in New England, visiting anyone and everyone we've ever known. Still need to recap that.
We decided to join a second kickball team this season. That's two weeknights a week out until 10 or 11 - but with super awesome friends, so definitely not a bad thing.
My boss left. Myself and my only remaining co-worker have been doing a job and a half since May.
Unpacking takes forever. I never know where anything is.
The Olympics make me stay up too late. But they're awesome.
So yup, there are all my excuses. Now I just need to move past them. Moral of the story, I need to prioritize better. This blog is still a priority of mine, and I appreciate everyone who reads it so much. I want to get back to reviewing products and places I love, creating delicious recipes and pretty DIYs, working with favorite brands and fellow bloggers, and sharing my favorite Charleston styles. Give me a week or two, and I'll get there.
Well, you know what? This rambling turned into a fairly decently long half-assed post. I cannot tell you how much all of you still reading means to me, and if I can just ask one more thing: what do you want to read? What are your favorite types of posts? I'm looking for any and all suggestions, and you are my favorite people to hear from.

I think a lot of people fell into a bit of an unintentional blogging break this summer. But that's the great thing about a blog, you can start writing again when you're ready & it definitely sounds like you've had a lot of fun things going on. Hopefully you get a new boss in soon so your workload can decrease a little bit, I can't imagine how stressful that would be! I've been so sad I haven't been able to stay awake to watch so many of the Olympics that i'd like to watch!
I feel you - it's been hard to post this summer! Actually, the whole last year was hard between the wedding, house hunting, moving into a house, etc. but I think that I might (just maybe!) be back in the swing of things. We'll see!
Everyone deserves a break, and in the end, this blog is about YOU. So only do it when it gives you joy and nobody can judge you for that. :)
I have been staying up late watching the Olympics, too. Just so easy to get sucked in and they always keep the best stuff for last!
Life just gets busy sometimes.
You'll settle back to routine soon enough, I'm sure - until then, just enjoy the ride :)
Girl, I hear ya! The Olympics are so engrossing that it's tough to get anything else done!
The Olympics are making me stay up way too late too. Everyone needs a break every now and then, enjoy the hiatus for what it is!
I hear ya! It happens sometimes, a break is never a bad thing. :)
I like posts that have lists. It gives me a lot to look at, comment on, think about...if that makes sense!
And our blogs all get away from us sometimes. Understandable!
Sometimes it just happens and a break is what you need to get back in gear! I can't wait to see you posting regularly again ;)
So glad you've been enjoying your summer, don't worry about this space until you're settled back in and are ready. Traveling, spending time with friends and family, work stuff, and kickball are way more important. How fun that you guys are playing in a league again this year :-D
Green Fashionista
my motto is: life is for living :) the blog will be there when things slow down. blogging to me is a hobby and i never want to feel like it is a chore or i 'have' to do it. when things get crazy, i step back. i don't feel bad and neither should you!
Sometimes we all just need a break. It may not be ideal for us but usually (almost always) it's needed. I think everyone is just taking it easy this Summer, and that's okay with me!
I feel ya girlie! Life has gotten busy for me too so it's hard to juggle it all especially when your workload multiplies which is my current situation. But enjoy life and don't stress. I know I'm trying to think that way.
Dude - I can totally relate. I was actually drafting a post about time because sometimes I feel like I have 0, so naturally the blog gets the boot first. Summer is always busy (but so is the fall with football, winter and spring, ha) and you can't miss the Olympics!
Summer kind of slows blogging for everyone, it seems. It's normal!
i totally get this! it seems like everyone has been in a rut lately and crickets is the exact word i think of in blog land - not just you sister! i'm trying to find motivation but my 3x a week seems to be working out for me ok lately. a lot less pressure but then again i always told myself 3-5x a week and i seem to be ok. :)
xoxo cheshire kat
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