The weekend actually started for us on Thursday when I had a laser surgery on my left eye. It was nothing like my right eye surgery back in March but more of a preventative one to keep my left from deteriorating to the same extent. As a reward, I totally forgot we had purchased tickets to see Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally's comedy show. Somehow I scored front row center tickets, and they were HYSTERICAL. #marriagegoals for sure!
On Friday, I sat around the house for most of the day with the blinds drawn, watching the Olympics. We did take a walk down the street to our neighborhood's Food Truck Friday. Obviously, I had to get some America-inspired shaved ice.
You guessed it, Saturday and Sunday were more filled with more of the same: relaxing. However, we also fit in some errands, shopping, and arts & crafting. The real only difference between the days was that we made muffins on Saturday and went to brunch with friends on Sunday.
Can't wait to share the final product of this fun powder room painting I'm working on!
This week, my mom is also coming to town, and we are so excited to show her our home for the first time! I promise we'll try and tear ourselves away from the tv for long enough to do lots of fun Charleston-touristy stuff with her - haha!
Are you as caught up in the Olympics as us? What have your favorite events been?

I haven't had shaved eyes in so long!! I'm glad that your other eye surgery went well!! Happy Monday! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
omg nick and megan - i bet they were amazing! and front row - awesome! glad your surgery went well. now it's all about healing!
xoxo cheshire kat
Yay for your mom coming into town this week! And so glad to hear your surgery went well! Happy Monday! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes
I bet that show was amazing, I am so jealous! haha.
Glad that your other eye surgery went well and that you got to have a good, relaxing weekend! Those are the best types of weekends :)
Food trucks and Olympics... sounds like the perfect weekend to me! Glad your eye surgery went well, and sending *hugs* for a full recovery <3
Green Fashionista
Well I thought I was caught up with the olympics until I saw that last night they had gymnastics on again and I thought it was over #notpayingattention
Seeing Nick & Megan would be awesome! That's so cool that you got front row seats!
Ahh so fun to go to a comedy show and be so close! Also, so awesome that your neighborhood has food truck friday?! Shaved ice is the best! I've been totally sucked into the Olympics too. I hope your eye recovery is going well & you have a great visit with your mom!
Loving the Olympics! But I'm SO jealous that you got to see Megan Mullaly and Nick Offerman! I love love LOVE them!
Hope you heal quickly!
That had to be the BEST show. they are hilarious apart - i cant imagine them together.
Cant wait to see your project!!!
Hope your eye is healing well! So cool you got to see Nick Offerman and Megan Mullaly! Both are soooooo funny! Loved Nick Offerman as Ron Swanson. I didn't know they were married! Love your Team USA shaved ice.
Ashley //
That shaved ice looks delicious - love how you kept your patriotic!
Food truck Friday? How fun!
I would love to see Nick and Megan. Can't beat a good laugh. I can't stop watching the Olympics either. I loved all the swimming and I am so in to beach volleyball and field hockey.
I feel like summer is so busy, and it's nice to have a lazy weekend every once in a while!
Jeffrey and I were at the Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally's comedy show too. They are So stinking cute!!! We laughed so hard! Summer of 69 was by far our favorite song-- although the Trump song was a close contender.
Glad your surgery went well. Oh my gosh I would have loved to see that show, how fun! Have fun with your mom!
We spent a lot of time on our couch this weekend watching the Olympics, and it was so much fun! I've been loving everything so far, and I can't wait for the track and field events to start up. I think that's always so much fun to play tour guide when you have somebody visiting from out of town!
Relaxing weekends are the best sometimes especially after eye surgery! I hope your eyes recover as planned. Sounds like you scored some amazing seat for the show!
We are LOVING the Olympics, it makes me sad that we won't be able to watch again until 2020. Also, the fact that we will never cheer on Michael Phelps again is really upsetting. I am sure having your mom in town will be awesome! Your painting looks great, I can't believe you are doing that yourself!
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