This year, he didn't get mad when I chose the Panthers (even after all of his Eagles brainwashing) as my football team. However, he did create a Star Wars fanatic! We also lost a combined 60 pounds and ran our first 10k together.
I went through two eye surgeries this year, and he could not have been more supportive.
We agreed on literally everything when it came to our house and made it through the home building process, closing this summer. I can't wait to share more of the DIYs we've been doing together over the past few weeks!
When my uncle passed away this summer, he didn't think twice and drove us the 6 hours to Tampa to be with my family.
We even had the chance to walk down the aisle together... again (!!!)... at his sister's wedding during one of our trips back to see our families in New England: fall, winter, spring, and summer.
We love the idea of keeping our anniversary photos going, so my wonderful friend, Amanda, took these shots when she came to visit earlier this month. I can't wait to look back years from now and see how we've changed. Since last year, my hair has grown a bit, and like I mentioned, we've lost a little weight!
This year is going to be one filled with adventure for us. Last year, we visited a few new cities: Denver, Savannah, and Myrtle Beach, but this year we will have a full year of our Southwest Companion Pass (Every time Mike flies somewhere, I fly for free - no joke! Let me know if you'd like more info!), so I know we will be traveling a lot in 2017 before starting to think more about our future plans.

Happy Anniversart! You all are such a cute couple!
happy anniversary you two! what an amazing year and cheers to many more :)
xoxo cheshire kat
Happy anniversary - and congrats on all of your milestones - especially dropping 60 pounds between the two of you. That's huge! Almost as huge as the Southwest Companion Pass - super jealous but definitely take advantage of that!
Happy anniversary and I'm freaking jealous that you guys got companion - we've been trying hard to get it again. What was your secret?
HAPPY TWO YEARS! I love that y'all had dinner at High Cotton - incredibly appropriate place for the 2nd anniversary :)
Happy Anniversary!! I can't believe it has already been 2 years. I hope you guys have a wonderful day!
Can I saw that I'm super impressed you all agreed on all things house building AND lost weight during the process. I would have stress eaten the whole way through!!!
Happy Anniversary to you! Cant wait to see what Year 3 has for you!
Happy anniversary! I love that you stuck with traditional gifts (right down to dinner location) & your photo tradition.
Happy anniversary you two!! I love how you guys went with the full cotton theme, you guys got so creative and imaginative with it! I also love that you guys take yearly anniversary pictures, it's something I want to begin to do and continue doing to look back on!
Happy Anniversary!!! You all both look great!! Can't wait to see where you'll be visiting in 2017!
Happy Anniversary <3
Happy happy anniversary!! I love that you did everything "cotton" for the 2nd anniversary--such an adorable way to be traditional!
Happy Anniversary, what a wonderful past year y'all have had! The photos look gorgeous too, especially with your pretty blue house behind you!
Erin, Attention to Darling
Happy Anniversary!!! I'm so glad I was able to follow along over the last 2 years as you got married and now have had such a great life together. You two seem absolutely perfect for each other and I'm so thankful to have witnessed that.
Awe I love the traditional pictures. Looks like you too have had a great year!
You married a wonderful man! I love the house.
Happy anniversary! Sounds like you two accomplished a bunch in this year and of course your beautiful new house being a huge highlight!
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