It actually turned into a four-day weekend for us with Hermine in town on Friday. Luckily, my best friend Amanda who flew in to spend the weekend with us, got here on Thursday so she didn't have to deal with all that rain and wind. We celebrated her arrival with manis, sushi at O-Ku, and drinks at The Cocktail Club. If you are ever in Charleston, TCC has this amazing sweet and salty bacon fat popcorn that you HAVE to try!
After we shopped for all the hurricane essentials on Thursday (i.e. Pringles, Swedish Fish Oreos, bacon, and ice cream), we spent Friday lounging around the house - she made the most delicious French toast (recipe coming soon!) and we played a lot of Rummikub. Fortunately, the storm was kind of a bust - nothing compared to the microburst earlier this year or the flooding last fall, so that was a relief.
Saturday was spent walking around all of our favorite downtown places: biscuits at HLB, coffee at Kudu (full list of favorite Charleston coffee shops also coming soon!), the Farmer's Market, King Street and City Market shopping, the Pineapple Fountain, and Rainbow Row. After miles of walking, we definitely deserved a lazy afternoon at the pool, and I was so excited to start Amy Schumer's new book. I'm not too far in yet, but it is amazing so far!
Amanda left on Sunday morning and that night, we hosted a fantasy football draft party. I'm still trying to think of a good name for this year's team (here were my gems last year) because I really want to win our league trophy - I made it myself ;)
Like I mentioned at the top of this post, yesterday we headed out to Kiawah Island for my organization's annual volunteer appreciation tournament. Ever since the tropical storm came through earlier in the weekend, the weather has been fantastic - sunny, low humidity, and barely 80 degrees. Can we have this weather all year long??
That's it! I'm linking up with Biana for Weekending today - I love long weekends because they mean shortened weeks PLUS my girl Macy will be here on Thursday for a fun-filled Charleston girls weekend - cannot wait to finally meet her IRL!

It sounds like such a fun weekend! I'm glad that Hermine mostly stayed away and that you were able to get both exploring and relaxing accomplished!
That popcorn sounds pretty much amazing!
What a perfect weekend girl!! I'm still sad we didn't go to that sushi place last year, but that just means I have to go back soon! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
Glad the storm stayed away and Im curious about bacon popcorn, interesting!
I saw Amy Schumer's book at the airport bookstore and was almost about to buy it so I'm interested to hear how you like it. K said he listened to an interview with her on Howard Stern and it was quite graphic/shocking.
Long weekends are the best especially when there are mimosas involved! So glad the weather didn't cause any major problems, and your friend got into town ok. Cheers to a short week <3
Green Fashionista
Long weekends that end at The Ocean Course? Sounds heavenly! It looked like it was absolutely gorgeous out on the island and I'm a little sad now that we did not make it down there this weekend. Have a great week!
what a great weekend! and you survived the storm like we did ha. but you guys had better weather that's for sure! love that last photo! and the kitty in the basket :)
xoxo cheshire kat
Oh my the food looks and sounds amazing! Once the temperatures come down a little, I am on my way to eat through Charleston. And see that Pineapple fountain ;) I'm glad Hermine didn't hit harder. GA and SC looked like they got it worse than us on the map. So I was worried!
This sounds like the perfect weekend, especially with the hurricane missing you guys! I can't wait to do all the fun Charleston things this weekend and eat/drink our way through your city!
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