1. Invest in an original piece of art
2. Get back to my ideal strength and weight
3. Volunteer
4. Get 8 hours of sleep each night
5. Purge and donate my closet
6. Start an herb garden
7. Have a girls night once per month
8. Visit more baseball stadiums
9. Network more
10. Run another race
11. Take a cooking class
12. Try yoga
13. Start a family tree
14. Do something nice for a stranger everyday
15. Visit the rest of the breweries in Charleston
16. Try something just for the adrenaline rush
17. Learn about wine
18. Make a plan to get to Cuba
19. Be a positive encouragement to those around me
20. Make an effort to break out of my introverted shell
21. Go on a hike
22. Advance my career
23. Buy a new camera
24. Travel internationally
25. Invest for the future
26. Cut my hair to donate again
27. Grow this blog
28. Stay more connected with family
29. Learn all the words to Rapper's Delight
30. Write to my congressmen about causes about which I'm passionate

lol i love number 29 just thrown in there. but really i love it all. so many things! get out there girl! i'm sure it's gonna be a kickass year :)
xoxo cheshire kat
I have had a pretty great 30th year and think you will accomplish a lot of your goals! I think some of these would be fun for you and your husband to do together :) xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
Awesome list! I can definitely tell you that you're about to enter the best decade yet! Especially with visiting more baseball stadiums <3
Green Fashionista
This is a great list and I know you will get at least most of it done. Your 30's sound scary, but they are awesome!
These are all such great items on your list! I love all of your travel plans, but I also really love your goal to visit the rest of the breweries in Charleston!
Great list, you can do it!
I was so worried about thirty, and it's been the best decade - seriously!
This is such an awesome list. I have to say that my 30's have been the best so far! Way better than my 20's.
Love your 30 before 30 goals. That picture of y'all is so cute! Sounds like things are about to get exciting!
What a great list! So many of these are on mine as well - especially Cuba! My dad was born there and it's pulling at me but it's such an emotional decision! Happy Birthday!
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