What a beautiful afternoon at Yeamans Hall Club - if anyone in your family knows golf, I swear they'll know this one. It was just stunning!
On Wednesday, we had a great relaxing day around the city before Thanksgiving. We got some fresh air and exercise, had a nice, light meal at Queen Street Grocery, and finally tried the seasonal latte at Black Tap Coffee. Seriously, the sweet potato pie latte tasted just like it. It's finally starting to look and feel like fall in South Carolina - who says Charleston doesn't get foliage?!
On Thanksgiving, we didn't leave the house - haha! We started the day with a cheese board and the parade (all from Trader Joe's - I need to share my favorite products here soon!), continued with a turkey supper, all the fixings and football, and by dinner, we had turkey soup with homemade noodles (recipe here).
After Thanksgiving was Black Friday. We had no intention of shopping and headed to the King Street Extension (the coolest new industrial/modern area on the northern part of the peninsula) to check out Workshop and Edmund's Oast Brewing. We love the original Edmund's Oast location, and the brewery looked fantastic, too. The whole open air space between the two is great, and we made sure to grab some of their most recent canning to bring home. We decided to head up to the outlets to see how the sales were, and, of course, I got sucked in my Loft and J. Crew. I might have bought these pants in four colors - I go all out when I find pant I don't need to hem (here are the same ones in regular length for the non-vertically challenged) and a few tops like this one for work. If that wasn't enough, we wanted a little more misery and went to Best Buy. I still had my Galaxy S6 from almost 3 years ago, and even worse, Mike had an S5, so we both upgraded to S8s! The edge screen feature is so cool, and the camera is fantastic. The photo of Shadow below is the first photo I ever took with it. Now I just need to buy a cute case - this one or this one?
Saturday and Sunday were spent outside and relaxing: on the golf course and down at Folly, respectively. The weather was perfect, and it was such a relaxing way to end the weekend. Good luck getting back to the grind this week, friends!

What an epic holiday weekend! How nice of your boss to surprise you with golf there - that's a great way to start of the holiday! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
I love that y'all didn't leave the house on Thanksgiving, that sounds perfect! We didn't leave either and it was so nice and relaxing!
A long relaxing weekend with plenty of time outdoors? YES please! <3
Green Fashionista
Sounds like a lovely holiday weekend!
What a nice surprise from your boss! Thanksgiving sounds relaxing which is less stressful and the fall foliage looks so pretty in Charleston.
Have to ask - what ever happened to the little doggie that was found - did I miss the post on where he went?
Haha you can never go wrong with not leaving the house!!! Sometimes it's nice to have a day be that way. :)
What a fun holiday weekend! SO nice of your boss to surprise you with golf there - that's a great way to start of the holiday!
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