1. Kickball: Last weekend, one of my closest friends hosted a kickball tournament to benefit Toys for Tots. She gathered together 8 teams and everyone got points for runs scored, wins, but also donated dollars and toys. Altogether, 1500 toys were collected and nearly $4000! Great job, Stafford!
2. Star Wars: Who else has seen The Last Jedi? We were surprised that we could get opening weekend Friday tickets with no problem the night before, and I really liked the movie. Personally, I liked The Force Awakens better, but the combination of action, that dry Star Wars humor, new characters (porgs and crystal critters!!), and old favorites was very good!
3. Early Christmas: Each year, Mike and I do our own Christmas to each other early so that we don't have to bring our presents all the way up to New England and back. He bought me the best gift, a new camera! For the last 7 years, I've been using a Canon T1i with a lens from my old film Rebel from the early 2000s. He chose a Canon 80D, and I could not be more excited! I'm working on figuring out all the fun new features right now. Any photographers have any suggestions for me?
4. Christmas lights: Remember our outdoor lights that I was so proud of on Wednesday? Wellllll, we won our neighborhood lights contest!!
5. Christmas cookies: Last night, we were at our neighbors' house for a cookie swap. They made these amazing chicken enchiladas, and a bunch of us from our street traded cookies. I made frosted sugar cookies, mint chocolate chip cookies, and toffee... and I just realized that I don't have any of those recipes on this blog. I need to change that!
I hope everyone enjoys the last weekend before Christmas!

Ha...,wrapping?,I'm headed out today to SHOP!!!
I want to go see star wars on Christmas day ❤
What a FANTASTIC week you've enjoyed, Meg! Hooray for raising so much for Toys for Tots! That is AMAZING!!! We have the tradition of seeing the newest Star Wars movie at the IMAX on New Years Eve. I'm never sure how my Star Wars obsessed family ever makes it that long...but the excitement (and spoiler dodging) is building here! Glad you enjoyed it! I love the tradition you and Mike have opening gifts just the two of you! He really outdid himself with that incredible gift!!! Have fun with your new camera! Congrats on winning your neighborhood light contest! So fun!! Love that you and your neighbors enjoyed such a "sweet" night last night too. Wishing you and Mike the merriest Christmas! xo - Brenda // ChattingOverChocolate.com
Merry Christmas! And YES, I loved the porgs, too!
Have fun wrapping! I have to do mine when I get the gift so Mr nosey doesn't see it ;)
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