1. Eat Better: Year after year, I make a vague resolution for myself, but it's hard to follow through because I'm not specific. So, obviously it fails. Here are my thoughts for 2018 to eat better and improve my metabolism: drink hot water and lemon every morning, eat a protein-filled breakfast everyday (egg whites), drink a cup of tea (without sugar) each day, drink a glass of cold water a half hour before lunch and dinner, pack my lunch 4 days a week (aimlessly walking around Whole Foods everyday is my biggest problem), and don't eat after 9pm.
2. Use Untappd: Mike and a few of our friends have this beer app, and it looks like so much fun. This one started out as a joke, but now I want to do it. I'm megd_taylor if you use it and want to be friends!
3. 10 Miles Per Week: Here's another one (like #1) that's been rough in the past: working out. Instead of saying I'll work out each day or every other day, how about I put a concrete number on it? This way, I can get everything done in a couple days or spread it out throughout the week. Let's see!
4. Answer texts when I get them: OMG my downfall. I can't be the only one who elaborately thinks up replies in her head but never actually writes them? I really want to do better at this in the new year!
5. Learn my new camera: Our Christmas present to each other this year was a new camera. I can't wait to learn more about it, and simply reading the manual (who'd have thought?!) has taught me things I didn't even know my old camera could do. I had fun with it over Christmas (a few photos here) but am still struggling with motion and dark shots (see examples below). If anyone has a good online class or YouTube videos for a Canon 80D, I'd love to watch them!
What are your goals for 2018?
Linking up for Oh hey, Friday, Five on Friday, High Five for Friday, and two doses of Friday Favorites

Wishing you all the best with your resolutions in the year ahead, Meg! I look forward to all the beautiful photos you'll surely take as you achieve goal #5! xo - Brenda // Chatting Over Chocolate
I like your #4 - I'm so guilty of reading them and then forgetting to answer back!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
These are great goals! I'm with you on number 4...I'm the worst at responding to texts! I bought a DSLR before our honeymoon but I still haven't quite figured it out. I might borrow this resolution!
These are some great resolutions! You have a good balance of fun mixed in with work, which makes everything more attainable. I am definitely checking out the Untapped app!
xo, Whitney and Blaire
Peaches In A Pod
What's hot water & lemon supposed to do?
Good luck, you'll do great!!
Since I'm going to the grand opening of a local brewery this weekend, I need to check out the untapped app to see what it's all about. I've had my DSLR for years now and still can't wrap my head around all the different functionalities. Enjoy the weekend!
10 miles a week is definitely doable! You got this! :)
I am right there with you on #4. Seriously the worst!
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