Yes, I know it's June, but as you can probably tell from the Confederate Jasmine in bloom, these photos are from a couple of weeks ago. How am I doing, right?! The morning these were taken (by my lovely friend Priscilla), it was the perfect spring day. The humidity wasn't too high, and it was just barely overcast. We're now up to 90+ degrees on the regular in June, and I swear that there have been lightning storms every night for the past 2 weeks - welcome to summertime in Charleston!
This stroll took us through the South of Broad neighborhood of the peninsula. I've decided that I want to try and be better about sharing where in Charleston I take photos. I always see bloggers in their cities at these beautiful locations, and I always wonder where they are (so I can go there, too!). This walk actually started with a tip from @kristinchambless about the beautiful house you'll see in the last photo of this post, overflowing with Confederate Jasmine. We started there, around 50 Church Street, zig-zagged down Church, across Water Street and through one of my favorite little courtyards, all the way down to the corner of Atlantic Street to this beautiful home with the exposed brick, window boxes, and hurricane bolts. Now for my dress: if you know me in person, you know that I don't go shopping for clothes often, and when I do, it's typically to Target or the outlets. I can count on one
Here are my earrings (c/o) and my pineapple sandals.

I'm pretty much living in dresses right now and I love a good maxi dress! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
How gorgeous is that dress on you! Your weather is pretty similar to ours, and this dress is perfect for the heat <3
Green Fashionista
I love walking around Church Street. My favorite walk is down Church, right on Tradd, left on King, around the Battery, and up to the pineapple fountain. But I also love just waking all the way up Tradd. And you're right, this weather is a mess! Next year I'm doing a photo shoot every day in April and May. Right now you have maybe an hour early in the morning to shoot and then you're all gross! Love this city though!
I love the pattern on that maxi! It's super cute!
The pictures are lovely. Perfection on the backdrops! I do love that maxi print. I need to update my maxi dress situation this summer. It's the perfect summer outfit and I currently have zero :( I need to fix that!
So beautiful - you, your dress, and your city!!
Love the dress! I am so excited for Loft Outlet!
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