If you follow me on social media, you may have seen our announcement a week or so ago, but it's true: Mike and I are expecting a little one in May! I'm currently 22 weeks pregnant and absolutely so excited to meet our new little bestie this spring!
We didn't send Christmas cards this year and decided to wait and mail New Year's cards (Remember this post? I wasn't as behind as I claimed, we were just planning ahead - haha!) after we told all of our families over our Christmas trip to New England.
We had actually planned all year to use a photo from last January's South Carolina snowstorm, but then this news trumped that a bit. We still decided to use that photo on the back of our cards with some blank space to write notes to our friends and family who we weren't able to see over the holidays.
Nice job to those of you with a keen eye who messaged me after I shared my One Second Everyday video from 2018! You may have seen quick snippets of a pregnancy test and Mike's reaction on our anniversary (yes, I found out the day before our 4th anniversary and keeping it a secret to tell him on our anniversary was the most difficult thing ever!), a few ultrasound photos, and excited family around the holidays in those seconds of video.
There has been quite a bit of radio silence around these parts over the last couple of months, and while I've been feeling great, I've been pretty tired after work and haven't had a lot of ideas outside of this big news taking up most of my brain! My real-life goal is to post once per week for the foreseeable future. I feel like that's a number that I can actually stick to, and we'll take it from there! If there's anything you'd like for me to share, please let me know!

Congratulations! I did notice those snippets in your video and then went back through your blog to see if I somehow missed your announcement!
SO happy for you guys! CONGRATS! I've been posting 1-2 times per week, and it's the perfect balance. I can't believe I used to try to post 4-5 times per week which is just craziness. And then of course there are weeks without any posts at all <3
Green Fashionista
Congrats! I totally missed your post last week! I hope that the morning sickness is starting to settle down and that you're enjoying your pregnancy!
YAHOOOOO!!!! Congrats! That's the best news!
CONGRATS! Love the cute card/announcement.
I am still so so excited for you guys! It's the greatest adventure!
Congratulations! Hope you enjoy every moment!
YAY!!!! That's so exciting!! How have you been feeling?
Congrats! I wish you and baby all the best. Your cats wearing jammies is too darn cute.
Congrats!!! So happy for y'all :D
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