Happy Masters weekend, friends! Last July, I received one of the most amazing emails ever: I was selected for the random Masters ticket lottery. If you haven't heard of it before, this is how tickets are distributed for the tournament; someone in your household can enter the free lottery in the spring, and in the summertime, you hear if you were accepted or not. Well, we were selected for 4 Tuesday practice round tickets, and I've been looking forward to this week ever since.
We arrived before the 7am gate opening (even though every website will tell you 8am, you can actually get in an hour earlier to go to the gift shop, concessions, and practice range before access to the course opens at 8am). We ate chicken biscuits, shopped for ourselves (and all of our families), and checked all of our purchases to pick up later.
As you can probably tell from my first few photos, it was a rainy morning, but we made the most of it and got great seats in Amen Corner to watch the couple of groups come through. While Mike drank a couple beers, I had the famous Stand 12 punch (lemonade, blue powerade, and Sprite) along with plenty of sandwiches and peach ice cream sandwiches.
Around 11am, we did get kicked out for a couple of hours as a line of thunderstorms was in the area, but at 12:45 when they let us back in, the sun came out and the rest of the afternoon was perfect!
I'm unsure if we will be back next year after our little dude is born, but we will definitely still be entering the lottery, just in case!
Whether or not you're headed to August this weekend, if you plan on celebrating this weekend, click on the photo below to visit my post and get in the spirit!

Looks like you guys had a great time! My husband has had it on every tv in the house non stop!
We will definitely be celebrating in spirit, but making it to Augusta is on our bucket list! It looks like you guys had a great time!
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